Discover the Legacy of
a Self-Taught Black Artist
Walter Williams was born in Detroit, Michigan in the year 1950. At the age of two years old, his mother and two older brothers moved back to Mobile, Alabama in the rural town of Prichard.
Walter grew up in the home of his grandpar- ents where the rearing and lifestyle rested in the period between the end of slavery and the move to the Big Cities by southerners. With the love for this innocent and simplistic lifestyle, having no formal art training, Walter Williams is able to cap- ture the nostalgic, naive and simplistic innocence of that time, and splash its character and color on canvas with seasoned qualities of a trained artist.
It has been said a picture is worth 1000 words however, i believe when pictures are put together, they should tell a story. My pictures are an attempt to give a small peek into the life style of a culture that survived and sustained a people in spite of its adverse condition. The theme of my art is a common people telling a common story about how they live, but seen through the eyes of the artist